Asp Component File Upload
Magix video deluxe 2008 plus francais. ASP Upload Component - csASPUpload Upload a file, or files, through an HTML form, and save using classic ASP. Allow your web site visitors to upload files without requiring FTP software. Use the data stream feature to save files as binary data in a database. Easy access to form variables.
I want to create a page with asp-classic where users can upload files or zipped folders.
Update: Pure ASP File Upload Gets a Speed Boost. Two files are included with this implementation: upload.asp and These files are meant to be incorporated with the existing distribution for Gilley's Pure ASP File Upload. The upload.asp file replaces the existing version and the include file is used to improve upload time. Chilkat Upload Component. Documentation Downloads. Examples: ASP VB6 Delphi FoxPro SQL Server VBScript The Upload ActiveX is a freeware component that can be used to upload files over HTTP and HTTPS to a web server.
I've searched in Google but every solution I have found uses a third-party file. But I haven't been able to get those files to work.
feetwet3 Answers
long time since I've done that but we used an upload without third party components, just two vbscript classes (solution credit goes to Lewis Moten).
It looks like you can still find this 'Lewis Moten solution' in the wild
Activex Component File Signer Not Installed
If you include the clsUpload file, further upload process is as simple as:
That's all for the server-side..
On the client-side you just need your File input
Hope this helps.
Edit 23 June 2014
As pointed out by Dave Wut my reference to the solution 'in the wild' was not completely consistent with the code snippet provided. Hereby the full classes that I had used historically (comments trimmed to stay below the 30000 SO limit). It was an early version of the Lewis Moten solution found at
1) Contents of clsUpload.asp
2) Contents of clsField.asp
LankymartProperty FileName never set, I add this missing line in clsUpload.asp (between lines 157 and 158) in Private Sub AddField(..)
You also have to declare the constant below: Const adSaveCreateOverWrite = 2
Unfortunately, it won't be possible to setup an upload service without at least a little effort on using third party scripts AND making some adjustments to your server.
You may check however with your hosting provider a list of components already installed; most hosting services also maintain libraries/faq's/wiki's with almost ready examples of how to use those components. If there is none, there is still FreeAspUpload which is a DLL-free component so may be used on any Classic ASP server.
After determining which component/script you will use, you must also check for write permissions on the target upload folders. If you can't set the target folder with permission to write files, your uploads won't work. Check if the control panel of your hosting provider allow you to do that, or if you need to make a request for those changes.
Asp Component File Upload Bootstrap
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