What Every Leader Needs To Know About Followers Pdf Merge
What Every Leader Needs to Know About Followers. Aimcat question papers for mac. And to be successful in business, there are certain things that leaders need to know about followers. What every leader needs to know about followers Article in Harvard business review 85(12):84-91, 145 April 2008 with 803 Reads Source: PubMed.
Publication Date: December 01, 2007
Ethics 101 What Every Leader Needs To Know
The distinctions among followers are every bit as consequential as those among leaders –. What Every Leader Needs to Know About Followers leaders. This is particularly true in business: In an era of. Tinctions have critical implications for how leaders should lead and managers should manage. This is crucial. Great followers are observant. They notice what needs to be done to help the leader accomplish his or her goals. Then they do it—joyfully, without grumbling or complaining. They are humble. Great followers don’t make it about them. They are humble. They shine the light on the leader.
Countless studies, workshops, and books have focused on leaders--the charismatic ones, the retiring ones, even the crooked ones. Virtually no literature exists about followers, however, and the little that can be found tends to depict subordinates as an amorphous group or explain their behavior in the context of leaders' development. Some works even fail to sufficiently distinguish among varying types of followers--barely registering the fact that those who tag along mindlessly are a breed apart from those who are deeply devoted and consciously, actively involved. These distinctions have critical implications for the way leaders should lead and managers should manage, according to Kellerman, a professor at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government. Additionally, today's followers are influenced by a range of cultural and technological changes that have affected what they want and how they view and communicate with their ostensible leaders. In this article, Kellerman explores the evolving dynamic between leaders and subordinates and offers a typology that managers can use to determine and appreciate how their followers are different from one another. Using the level of engagement with a leader or group as a defining factor, the author segments followers into five types: Isolates are completely detached, they passively support the status quo with their inaction. Bystanders are free riders who are somewhat detached, depending on their self-interests. Participants are engaged enough to invest some of their own time and money to make an impact. Activists are very much engaged, heavily invested in people and process, and eager to demonstrate their support or opposition. And diehards are so engaged they're willing to go down with the ship--or throw the captain overboard.
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